Source code for sentiment_classifier.api

We use Flask to write the API and we are using the factory pattern \
    to create the Flask application.
This is an elegant method that allows us to separate the code \
    for the app creation, and register all the blueprints in one place.

The factory runs the following steps:

- Create the Flask object
- Load the ML models and attach them
- Register the index blueprint
from flask import Flask
from werkzeug.contrib.fixers import ProxyFix
import tensorflow as tf

from sentiment_classifier.nlp import models

[docs]def create_app(model_filepath): """ Flask app factory method Returns: The created Flask application """ app = Flask(__name__) # proxy fix app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app) # TODO: config variable to chose the model to use model = models.ExampleModel() model.load(filepath=model_filepath) graph = tf.get_default_graph() app.nlp_model = model app.graph = graph from sentiment_classifier.api import index app.register_blueprint(index.bp) return app