Source code for sentiment_classifier.scripts.train

""" Script to train the classifiers.

Example usage:
    .. code-block:: bash

        python sentiment_classifier/scripts/ --models ExampleModel BiLSTM


import argparse
from sentiment_classifier.nlp import reader, preprocessing
from sentiment_classifier.nlp import models

[docs]def parse_arguments(): """ Parse arguments from command line. Returns: argparse.ArgumentParser: Parser object, \ with the arguments as attributes. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Train classifiers") parser.add_argument( "--models", type=str, dest="models", required=True, help="models to train, separated by space." ) parser.add_argument( "--limit", type=int, dest="limit", default=None, help="maximum number of texts to load. Defaults to None." ) parser.add_argument( "--debug", type=bool, dest="debug", default=False, help="Toggle debug mode. Defaults to False." ) args = parser.parse_args() return args
[docs]def main(): """ Function in charge of training. 1. Parse arguments from the command line 2. Instanciate the requested models 3. Train them """ args = parse_arguments() imdb = reader.IMDBReader(path="./data/aclImdb") imdb.load_dataset( limit=args.limit, # train on the full dataset preprocessing_function=preprocessing.clean_text ) model_names = args.models.strip() for model_name in model_names.split(" "): model_class = getattr(models, model_name) model_instance = model_class() save_path = TEST_MODEL_FILEPATH if args.debug else PROD_MODEL_FILEPATH model_instance.train(reader=imdb, filepath=save_path)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()