Source code for sentiment_classifier.api.index

""" Index blueprint for the Flask API.
This blueprint hosts the code for classifying a sequence.

from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, request, current_app
from sentiment_classifier.nlp.preprocessing import clean_text

bp = Blueprint("index", __name__)

[docs]@bp.route("/api", methods=("GET",)) def index(): """ api status check method. Returns: json """ return jsonify(status="running")
[docs]@bp.route("/api/classify", methods=("POST",)) def classify(): """ api method for predicting the sentiment on a given sequence. Returns: A json with text, sentiment and score """ data = request.get_json() text = data.get("text") with current_app.graph.as_default(): predictions = current_app.nlp_model.predict( texts=[text], preprocessing_function=clean_text ) score = predictions[0][0] if score > 0.5: sentiment = "pos" else: sentiment = "neg" return jsonify( text=text, sentiment=sentiment, score="{0:0.3f}".format(score) )